
Wednesday 7 November 2018

ARTEMIS & EPHESUS (Temple of Artemis)👌✌👍

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus located on the western coast of Asia Minor (modern Turkey) was built in the 6th century BCE, and such was its tremendous size, double the dimensions of other Greek temples including the Parthenon, that it was soon regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world. Destroyed by a deliberate fire in the 4th century BCE and then rebuilt, the great Ionic temple survived until Late Antiquity and the Gothic invasion of c. 267 CE. Once again rebuilt, in 401 CE it was torn down for the last time by a Christian mob. Today only the foundations and a solitary column stand as a reminder of the site where once stood the greatest temple in the ancient Mediterranean.

Ephesus (or Ephesos) was a Greek colony on the eastern coast of Asia Minor founded in the 8th century BCE, although there had been Greek settlers in the area from c. 1200 BCE. The Greek goddess Artemis (Diana to the Romans) was particularly important to the Ephesians, indeed her birthplace was considered by them as nearby Ortygia (for other Greeks it was Delos). Artemis was the goddess of chastity, hunting, wild animals, forests, childbirth, and fertility. The goddess’ cult at Ephesus included eastern elements (borrowed from goddesses such as Isis, Cybele, and the “Mistress of the Animals”), as did her representation in art, with surviving statues, unlike elsewhere in Greece, being covered in eggs as symbols of her role as a fertility goddess. Hence, the goddess worshipped at Ephesus is often referred to as Artemis Ephesia.    

There had already been several versions of the temple over the centuries at Ephesus, and Herodotus describes the Ephesians tying a rope 1243 metres (4081 ft) long between the old temple and the city in a desperate and as it turned out futile hope that their dedication of the entire city to Artemis would save them from the Lydians. The city had an up and down relationship with the neighbouring kingdom of Lydia, resisting many attacks but at the same absorbing some cultural elements. The Lydian king Croesus (r. 560-546 BCE) conquered Ephesus between 560 and 550 BCE, and then funded the construction of new buildings, including a great new temple to Artemis or, as the Greek historian Herodotus put it, he “dedicated many columns” (Histories, 1.92). An interesting archaeological find at the site was a column drum carrying the inscription 'dedicated by Croesus'.


Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

See the famous Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Walk through the lush Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Climb the great Lighthouse at Alexandria. Stand before the immense statue of Zeus at Olympia. Marvel at the beauty of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus...

The ancient Greeks loved to compile lists of the marvellous structures in their world. Though we think of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as a single list today, there were actually a number of lists compiled by different Greek writers. Antipater of Sidon and Philon of Byzantium drew up two of the most well-known lists.

Why seven? The Greeks thought that the number had mystical significance. Perhaps because it was the total of the known planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) along with the Sun and Moon.

Many of the lists agreed on six of the seven items. The final place on some lists was awarded to the Walls of the City of Babylon. On others, the Palace of Cyrus, king of Persia took the seventh position. Finally, toward the 6th century A.D., the final item became the Lighthouse at Alexandria.

Since then it was Greeks who made the lists it is not unusual that many of the items on them were examples of Greek culture. The writers might have listed the Stonehenge if they'd seen it, but this place was beyond the limits of their world.

It is a surprise to most people to learn that not all the Seven Wonders existed at the same time. Even if you lived in ancient times you would have still needed a time machine to see all seven. While the Great Pyramid of Egypt was built centuries before the rest and is still around today (it is the only "wonder" still intact) most of the others only survived a few hundred years or less. The Colossus of Rhodes stood only a little more than half a century before an earthquake toppled it. 😀😀😀

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Image result for rice bubble nutrition information

  1. Be easy to read, 
  2. Be in english, 
  3.  True Facts
  4.  Surviving percentage,
  5.   Algergy dec
  6.  Warning Statment, 
  7.  Advisory statement,
  8.  Date
  9.  Expiary
  10.   Made in...

Thursday 23 August 2018

Digestive System

  • This is where we ingest food (eat our food)
  • We do this using our teeth: Canine, Incisors, Molar
  • Canine teeth stab and rip food
  • Incisors cut our food
  • Our molar masticate (grind) the food
  • The Salivary Glands release saliva into our mouth
  • Saliva starts to break down sugars and lubricates the food

  • This is a tube connecting the mouth to the stomach
  • Food is pushed down to the stomach by the action of peristalsis
  • The stomach mixes food into a paste. 
  • Some food is torn down in the stomach. 
  • Stomach acid removes bacteria.
  • This is the first part of the Small Intestine
  • More chemicals are joined in from the Pancreas and Gall Bladder

  • This adds a chemical into the duodenum to neutralize the stomach acid
  • The Pancreas also adds more chemicals into the duodenum to break down food. 

Why do we have a mouth?
We have a mouth to ingest our food

What else do we do with our mouth?
We eat and our salivary glands help us break our food down

Tuesday 7 August 2018

The Family Of Matariki

My research was about the family of Matariki

Matariki was actually named after the Mother star Matariki.

What I find interesting is that there are actually six sisters and
a mother not seven sisters.

I think my best features in this is my resilience even when
I wanted to give up I still completed my work and my research.

I want maybe a different subject maybe like weaving.

I would Like to thank my Social Studies teacher for the
opportunity to learn something like this it is a great opportunity
to learn about Maori Culture.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

I wonder??

I wonder what animals are in Greece forests?

The Kri-Kri Goat                           
Kri-kri goat, Samaria Gorge, Crete

The Creten Spiny Mouse
An Acomys minous (Cretan spiny mouse), part of the living museum exhibition of the Natural History Museum of Crete

The Beech Marten
A pale beech marten
Beech marten

The Badger
A small badger, or arcalos, from Crete

The Cypriot Mouflon
Photo of a male wild Cyprus mouflon

The Loggerhead Turtle
Loggerhead Turtle

Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta)

The Dolphin
Common Dolphins

The Mediterranean Monk Seal
Mediterranean monk seal relaxing in sea shallows

Critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Wood tech

In Wood tech we made a bunch of stuff it was challenging and hard but was fun to make.
What am I learning: I am learning to use different tools to make various things

How does this show my learning: This shows my learning as I have made; bottle opener, bull roarer and more

What am I wondering: I am wondering if I will use this method later in life

What can I improve on: I can improve on my concentration and focus on my work without getting distracted 

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Greek Goddess Artemis

I wonder why the Goddess, Artemis swore off men!

Artemis is a Greek Goddess and she has a twin brother called Apollo but we will get to him later.
Artemis helped deliver her brother and became the goddess of childbirth. When Hestia took Artemis to Zeus she demanded a lot of things including being a maiden goddess forever and to live like a hunter.

Why she swore off men is so easy to guess. Her father Zeus was married to Hera, but he was not faithful he had over 10 demigod kids who ended up cursed by his wife, and 7 Olympian god and goddess kids and 1 goddess kid. Any way Artemis swore off men also because of what happened to her aunty Demeter, Demeter was ambushed by both her brothers Poseidon and Zeus. When Artemis heard the story she was less than impressed.

If you go hunting make sure you stay away from the water holes you BOYS and make sure to sacrifice to Artemis! Have a safe and happy hunting!

Artemis                                                                      Artemis' Temple
Image result for artemisImage result for artemis temple

Wednesday 30 May 2018

I wonder why Sharks are "Dangerous"

Why people think sharks are dangerous I don't know.
Sharks are very approachable when in a good mood.
People only assume sharks are evil creatures of the deep sea.
Sharks will only attack when they feel threatened.

The only shark you DO NOT want to come across is a Bull Shark.
Facts on Bull Shark

  • Bull Sharks can live in salt water and tropical water.
  • Bull Shark can attain 25 mph (40.2 km/h).  
  • They are the only breed of shark that will attack without purpose. 
The only shark that will no attack is the nurse Shark unless you physically hurt or harm them. Here is a short video of the Nurse Shark.

Now for the Megalodon! The Megalodon is/was the hugest shark in all of history. They lived in the age of the dinosaurs and after the dinosaurs were extinct they still lived. The Megalodon can/could grow up to 60ft. They feasted on whatever got in there way. Got some leftover lamb you don't want? That's fine put it in the Atlantic/Indian ocean they will eat it no problem. People "Assume" they have seen the Megalodon but I highly doubt it because they live in the very depths of the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean and NEVER come up to the shallow waters! They live that far down that anyone who goes down doesn't come back up as they will freeze to death because that is what it was like in the Prehistoric ages!


Friday 18 May 2018


Karoline Tamati A.K.A Ladi6
D.O.B: November 7, 1982, age 35
Where She Grew Up;
She grew up in the suburb of Aranui, where cousin Malo
(aka rapper Scribe) was just an alleyway away, licorice
was bought on aunty’s account at the shops and a young
Karoline would ride her bike around the family’s tiny cul-de-sac,
pretending to be a bus driver as she collected and deposited neighborhood kids.  
Nominated for the following;

  • Best album cover
  • Best urban/hip-hop album
  • Album of the year
  • Best female solo artist
  • Single of the year
  • The best Pacific music album 

What am I learning: I am learning about NZ music artists
How does this show my learning: This shows my learning as Ladi6 is a Maori pacific artist
What am I wondering: I am wondering if Ladi6 can have a child so I can have a Cousin
What can I improve on: I can improve on my researching facts and learn to surf the web in different ways.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

English x2

Today in English for SSR I read the book Fateful written by Claudia Gray. It is a book about werewolves aboard the Titanic. The main character in the story is a servant named Tess. The author's purpose is to let people believe what they want to and let them grow up as Tess did. This book I would recommend to 17+. It has a lot of killing and dying in it, but also a lot of fighting.
Image result for claudia gray writerImage result for fateful book

Monday 7 May 2018


Today in English for SSR I chose to read a selection of BTS' member Jin's dad jokes. His purpose for Jin's dad jokes is to 1) annoy his members of the K-Pop band; 2) is to make people laugh. I think the age category is for all ages! If you don't know who BTS is the members oldest to youngest are:

1. Jin: 25                  (Jin)
2. Yoongi: 24          (Suga)
3. Hoseok: 24         (J-Hope)
4. Namjoon: 23      (Rap Monster) 
5. Jimin: 22             (Jimin)

6. Taehyung: 22      (V)  
7. Jungkook: 20      (Jungkook)

Here is a link to one of their songs Dope

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Separating a Mixture of Coloured Compounds

To separate the different pigments in inks and dyes using chromatography.


  • Ink from ballpoint pens
  • Marker pens or food coloring
  • 250mL beaker
  • Strip of filter paper
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive tape 
  • pencil or ice block stick
  • chromatography solution

  1. Cut strip of filter paper that is long enough to reach the bottom of your beaker and able to wrap around your pencil or ice-block stick.
  2. Rule a line approximately 2 cm from the bottom piece of your paper.
  3. fill your beaker with enough chromatography solution to fill your beaker to a depth of 1cm
  4. place a dot of ink above the ruled line on your filter paper. you need to produce a concentrated dot of ink so repeated applications are necessary.
  5. Suspend the strip of paper from the pencil or stick.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Making a Dilution series

I want to investigate how make a dilution series

Test Tube Rack
Test Tubes
10mL measuring cylinder


Fill measuring cylinder with 10mL of water
Add 10mL of water to a test tube
Add 5mL of water to 5 more tests tube
Add a small spatulaful of Potassium Permanganate to the first 10mL test tube of water
Add 5mL of the dark purple Potassium Permanganate into the second test tube
Add 5mL of the second tube into the third test tube.
Add 5mL of the third test tube into the fourth test tube.

Add 5mL of the fourth test tube into the fifth test tube.

Add 5mL of the fifth test tube into the sixth test tube.


The first test tube went a dark purple colour.
As we poured 5mL from each test tube into the next test tube, the colour lightened each time.

I learnt that The test tube with the darkest colour has the most  Potassium Permanganate in it.

Monday 12 March 2018

My Persuasive Writing

The Referee is always right.

Have you ever wondered why
you have been benched or sidelined during a sport you enjoyed and then
blamed it on the referee?
Well wonder no more the problem isn’t with the referee it is actually you!

You may think I’m crazy but if you read hard enough you will see what I
mean. For starters they are older and probably know more than you. They
are only ever going to blow the whistle if you do anything out of the rules
for example basketball, you are to dribble the ball and not just hold it in your arms.

I mean if you blame the benching or being put on the sidelines on the referee well
you will get in more trouble than you already are in. you should always listen to the
referee. All the rugby or soccer stars you know they listen to the referee. They will
get the occasional yellow or red card but they never argue back to the referee

You may think it is hard to be the player. But just think about how hard it is to
be a referee. Just how hard it is to get the players to listen to him or her, because
it is really hard. Think how hard it is to get one person to pay attention, then try a
good seven or eight. Not as easy as you thought was it!

So when your on the field remember to listen to the referee. Because they choose
to get up in the morning to coach your game. They could choose not to get up and
just stay in bed. So think of that before you decide to talk back to the referee.

Monday 19 February 2018

Safety signs

Safety Signs

Types of signs!

Mandatory; Mandatory is a sign that shows you must do this or you must wear that.
Hazardous; Hazardous is a sign that shows there is danger or explosives near or anywhere around.
Prohibitive; Prohibitive is a sign that says you must not do the thing that the sign says.

Here is an example of what we were working on in Tech!

Here are some of the Safety signs you will see on a construction site.

And also here is a YouTube clip of a construction safety video
HA HA the word YouTube is the link

Monday 12 February 2018

Music With Da Best Teacher

I like how this song he wrote for his fiance.
They were kids when the fell in love as he explains
He explains how he left her but wont do it again
He says hes dancing in the dark so it is like he is dancing at night
He was meant to whisper but she heard him say that she looks perfect
He thinks she is stronger either emotionally or physically.
He has a "vision" of them and their future
He will be alright because of his soon-to-be-wife
He see's their future when he looks in her hand
They have a favourite song together
He calls her an ANGEL!
He says he doesn't deserve an angel like her

WHAT AM I LEARNINGI am learning about the back story of my favourite songs.
HOW AM I LEARNING:  I use the internet when in need other than that I use what I already know
WHAT AM I WONDERING: I am wondering if Ed Sheeran wrote that song when the broke up, got back together, when he just proposed to her or the were together for ages.