I wonder why the Goddess, Artemis swore off men!
Artemis is a Greek Goddess and she has a twin brother called Apollo but we will get to him later.
Artemis helped deliver her brother and became the goddess of childbirth. When Hestia took Artemis to Zeus she demanded a lot of things including being a maiden goddess forever and to live like a hunter.
Why she swore off men is so easy to guess. Her father Zeus was married to Hera, but he was not faithful he had over 10 demigod kids who ended up cursed by his wife, and 7 Olympian god and goddess kids and 1 goddess kid. Any way Artemis swore off men also because of what happened to her aunty Demeter, Demeter was ambushed by both her brothers Poseidon and Zeus. When Artemis heard the story she was less than impressed.
If you go hunting make sure you stay away from the water holes you BOYS and make sure to sacrifice to Artemis! Have a safe and happy hunting!
Artemis Artemis' Temple
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