
Friday 28 February 2020

English ~ Language Features

My learning objective for English is to learn and study different types of learning features. I am learning it by first searching the meaning then writing it in a piece of writing in the right format. I am learning it to make sure my writing is improving, as no matter how good at something you are you could always improve.

We had to choose 6 writing features.

The 5 senses.
The sky was a shade of midnight blue and the air smelled of baked goods the sound of only a couple birds chirping in the sky, the warm breeze caressing my face, and the taste of fresh air.

White walls so clear you could see your own reflection, floors as clear as a mirror

With that, I heard a CRASH and a blood-curdling scream

Inserting strong words.
I was hit by my cousin's scent
I was hit by the smell of Roses and Lavander
I was hit by the lovely smell of Roses and Lavander

Replacing weak with strong words.
In order to keep the balance between good and evil
In method to maintain the balance between virtue and wrong
In management to keep desirable and truly sinister

Deleting words.
Demon in the name of God I compel you to hell never to return.
In the name of God, I compel you to hell never to return.

I just watched speechless as his lifeless body fell to the ground. It was a late Friday night,
The sky was a shade of midnight blue and the air smelled of baked goods the sound of
only a couple birds chirping in the sky the warm breeze caressing my face and the taste
of fresh air. I was walking home from a long day from my line of work. As I opened my door
I was hit by the lovely smell of Roses and Lavander. My cousin Santiago. “Mariana’s home

Oh yes, Hi my name is Mariana Lorena. I am a 16-year-old Diablero. I grew up in Spain but
moved to America at 7. My cousin Santiago is a nut case. He’s a 10-year-old goofball, with
soft caramel hair and a nice shade of sea-green eyes as well as tanned skin. Me on the other
hand, I have Olive skin, Bright blue eyes, and Black hair.

In order to keep the balance between good and evil, my family created their own group.
Even built a sanctuary to keep all the beings in. It was in the basement of an old church. It
was always clean, white walls so clear you could see your own reflection. Floors so clean
one wrong move and you would slip over, but the smell of demons everywhere. If I could
describe the smell of a demon, then imagine this. Burnt toast, Rotten eggs, Mold, and dead
bodies. Thats what a demon smells like.

I sat down to eat a casserole my Tía had kindly made for me. It tasted like heaven. Amazing
how well my Tía could cook. She potters in the kitchen like an old lady sometimes. But she is
far from that. My Tía turns 25 this year and she looks as healthy as ever. “Mariana, Phone”
Santiago called out. I stood up and went over to where Santiago was holding the phone.
“Hola, Mariana speaking.” I heard a few muffled voices and then a clear one. “Can you come
and help me please, I’m scared.” The voice begged it was familiar but also shaken up. “Um
yeah sure? What’s wrong and what’s your address?” I questioned. “123 fake street,
Venezuela Spain.” The realization hit me. It was my childhood bully, Kennedy Danger.
“Tia, I have to go to Venezuela” My Tia shot up. “Mariana, you can’t you promised to look
after Santiago for me.” I looked at Santiago and then my Tia. “I can take him with me, get him
familiar with it,” My Tia thought about it for a good 5 minutes then groaned. “Fine” 

I told Santiago to go pack some dark clothes and his cross. He ran into his room and did as
he was told, after about 5 minutes he came back out. “Ready” We headed out the door and
hailed a taxi. We headed to the airport and scheduled a last-minute flight. “Mariana, I’m
scared.” Santiago cooed. “About what?” I chimed. “About the demon-” Santiago’s sentence
was cut short when our gate was called. We got up and boarded.

After a long flight, we finally landed in my home town. “Now Santiago, stay close to me okay”
He just nodded. We hailed another Taxi and went to the address the girls gave me. As I
stepped out I was engulfed in a hug. “Mariana please someone is trying to kill me.” I look
down to see the one and only, Kennedy Danger. “Well let’s take a look inside shall we…” I
grabbed Santiago’s hand and we walked inside. Immediately I saw white columns with
tiled floors. A spiral staircase leading up and a few hundred doors. I turned the corner and
got a strong whiff of rotting corpses. As I opened the only door down that pitch-black hallway
I immediately grabbed Santiago and held him close to me. As what I saw was horrific.
Some girl was chanting a familiar name, as well as the scattered body remains and
the remainder of her own finger. The name she was chanting was El Cactus, El Cupra.
El cucuy oh no this can’t be good. El cucuy is a Spanish myth where if you chant its name
enough it will get rid of any bad or negative energy that is bothering or hurting you in any
way. “Kennedy, who is that?” I questioned. “She is Rosa Diaz,” Kennedy said out of pure
hatred. “She is such a loner and no one likes her.” Then Rosa starts chanting Kennedys
name as well as El Cucuy. “Kennedy you need to run as fast as you can out of here,” I stated
quietly. “Take Santiago with you” Kennedy grabbed Santiago and they both ran.

“Rosa, come on tell me what Kennedy did we can sort this out.” I pleaded. “No its too late it’s already here. Kennedy went to far this time.” Rosa stated. With that, I heard a CRASH and a blood-curdling scream and the scent of a demon Swarmed around me. I was scared for the first time in my life, I wanted to vomit because of the horrid smell and I wanted to scream out Santiago’s name. Thats when it all fell into place. The darkness had gone and the lights were on. The corpses were gone, and there stood a petrified Santiago De-La Cruz. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. He stepped aside and there lay a body. Not just anybody. Kennedy Danger. I looked around and saw that El Cucuy was feasting on another body. “Demonio en Nombre de Dios te obligo al Infierno para Nunca regresar.” Translation Demon in the name of god I compel you to hell never to return. As El Cucuy disintegrated I heard a loud BANG, Santiago was standing with his hand over his chest. Rosa held a gun. Put two and two together, she just murdered my cousin, my life. I just watched speechless as his lifeless body fell on to the ground.

Monday 17 February 2020

Step 1- I am/am not ready to learn because…
(I am ready to learn as I have my device

Step 2- My learning goals are …
My learning goal i to write my examples of creative writing

Step 3- To engage in the connectivist learning
process, I will need…
Mr. Aitken and my device as well as his slideshow

Friday 14 February 2020

Art Assesment

Mood board

The media I will work with are Paint and Print

The two artists I have selected for 1.1 are Banksy and Van Gogh

The artist I am interested in for my kaupapa is Banksy.

Here are my notes about my thinking for my kaupapa

The ocean throughout the century. Like pollution and Marine life. My subject matter is Marine life and Ocean waters.
Image result for banksy

As Banksy is a Painter or Spray painter he is an inspiration in the way that his artwork is more color and contrast as well as it has a message in all of them. Like the one above The man is pushing people to success.

Image result for polluted water painting

Image result for polluted water painting

Inspiration for Moodboard.
This is my Inspiration because it has all the main focal points in it that is what I am using in my mood board. It has the ocean floor scattered with rubbish. Whereas in the other picture it is a hand made of garbage. I used this specific photo because it shows that humans are making a world like this. We are ruining our own world.