
Wednesday 28 August 2019

Ancient Egyptian Inventions

Ancient Egyptian times started in 3200 BC. 
During this time they invented multiple items. 
such as:



The police


Surgical instruments

The ancient Egyptians built pyramids
as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The
pharaohs were concealed in pyramids of many different
shapes and sizes from before the beginning of The Old 
Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. 
There are about eighty pyramids known today from 
ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian mathematics is unique mathematics
that was developed and used in Ancient Egypt
c. 3000 to c. 300 BC, from the Old Kingdom of Egypt
until roughly the beginning of Hellenistic Egypt. ... 
Evidence for Egyptian mathematics is limited to the
scarce amount of surviving sources written on
papyri. (papers P.L)

Most policemen and guards were armed with
staffs, though some would also have police dogs, 
and even types of trained monkeys (though that
was quite rare). Around the time the ancient 
Egyptian police were organized into a more coherent
force in the New Kingdom, a hierarchy was structured. 
At the head was the Chief of the Medjay, meaning
the Chief of Police, and under him were his
deputies. Then each region would have police captains. 
In the more remote areas, such as on the borders, 
the military would take care of the policing duties.

It is believed that the Egyptians were among the
first to use glass in their art and culture. As far back
as 2500 BC, amulets and solid glass beads were
made in Mesopotamia. ... Glass is produced from
a mixture of silica-sand, lime and soda.

Surgical instruments.
Ancient Egyptian engraving depicting medical 
instruments, including bone saws, suction cups, 
knives and scalpels, retractors, scales, lances, 
chisels and dental tools.

We are learning about our history and the change in
tools and technology. we have learned about the stone
age and now we have moved onto ancient Egypt. the biggest 
change I have come across is how they treated 
others and the laws they enforced and how they acted.

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