
Wednesday 27 November 2019


In business studies, we all did a Market day. My group and I baked Brownies and Cookies.

3 things I think that went well was the Whole market day and the amount we made. Also how many Brownies and Cupcakes we had sold and Also the cooperation and communication.

3 things that didn't go so well are the fact we weren't prepared also the fact we rushed it the day of the market day. We also had to make a fresh batch of Icing.

3 things I would change would be the timing, the Group, and the weather.

Thursday 21 November 2019


In English, we are writing about our ideal world. Mine would be a cruise ship like boat on the ocean. Nobody would be there but me and the ocean. I would be left with my thoughts and the creatures of the ocean. There would be unlimited food and freshwater. I would be all by myself but I would have contact with the outside world.

Geology Explained By Ancient Greeks~ Poseidon


Poseidon, in Greek religion, the god of the sea (and of water generally), earthquakes, and horses. He is distinguished from Pontus, the personification of the sea and the oldest Greek divinity of the waters. The name Poseidon means either “husband of the earth” or “lord of the earth.” Traditionally, he was a son of Cronus (the youngest of the 12 Titans) and of Cronus’s sister and consort (Wife/Partner) Rhea, a fertility goddess. Poseidon was a brother of Zeus, the sky god and chief deity of ancient Greece, and of Hades, the god of the underworld. When the three brothers deposed their father, the kingdom of the sea fell by lot to Poseidon. His weapon and main symbol was the trident, perhaps once a fish spear. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, Poseidon’s trident, like Zeus’s thunderbolt and Hades’ helmet, was fashioned by the three CyclopesAs the god of earthquakes, Poseidon was also connected to dry land, and many of his oldest places of worship in Greece were inland, though these were sometimes centered on pools and streams or otherwise associated with water. In this aspect, he was known as enosichthon and ennosigaios (“earth-shaker”) and was worshipped as asphalios (“stabilizer”). As the god of horses, Poseidon is thought likely to have been introduced to Greece by the earliest Hellenes, who also introduced the first horses to the country about the 2nd century BCE. Poseidon himself fathered many horses, best known of which was the winged horse Pegasus by the Gorgon MedusaPoseidon’s offspring were myriad. He was the father of Pelias and Neleus by Tyro, the daughter of Salmoneus, and thus became the divine ancestor of the royal families of Thessaly and Messenia. Many of his sons became rulers in other parts of the ancient Greek world. Otherwise, he had many monstrous offspring, including giants and savage creatures, such as Orion, Antaeus, and Polyphemus. Progenitor of many, with several consorts, Poseidon also was married to the Oceanid Amphitrite, with whom he also had multiple offspring, including the sea creature Triton.

The chief festival in Poseidon’s honor was the Isthmia, the scene of famous athletic contests (including horse races), celebrated in alternate years near the Isthmus of Corinth. His character as a sea god eventually became his most prominent in art, and he was represented with the attributes of the trident, the dolphin, and the tuna. The Romans, ignoring his other aspects, identified him with Neptune as sea god.

Image result for poseidon

Social Studies Essay

In 1830 Māori and Europeans were living in New Zealand.
The behavior of the Whalers, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect
Māori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was needed.
The Declaration of Independence was another contributing factor to the
need for a treaty.

One reason that a treaty was needed was the lawless
behavior of some of the British Settlers like whalers. Before the 1800s
Whalers would spend months at a time on ships, therefore causing a major
thirst for alcohol and power. When they got to New Zealand they would get
drunk causing fights. Therefore a treaty would have helped the behavior
such as the fights and drinking.

Another reason that a treaty was needed was to protect Māori rights.
One group that felt strongly about this was the missionaries. This is important
because Maori were the first inhabitants and needed their rights for their
own country. Missionaries helped with that too. They thought Maori should
have their own rights for their own land.

Another reason that a treaty was needed was the Musket Wars. This
happened during 1807-1842. Over 20,000 people were killed during the
musket wars. One of the first tribes to get muskets was Nga Puhi. They
traded Food for muskets, as well as all the necessities and sometimes
even flax. The Muskets turned the Maoris into killing machines. The
treaty would have helped this, for peace and trades.

The final reason that a treaty was needed was the existence of the
Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was
finally finished on the 28th of October 1835. This was for Legal trading
purposes with only the British. 52 chiefs signed the Declaration of
Independence. The declaration only sought that only British and Maori
could trade but the Treaty was about the people that lived in New
Zealand. The treaty established the laws for the people that live in
New Zealand

In conclusion, a treaty was needed because of the behavior the whalers
and Maori showed to each other. As well as the Musket Wars and even
Maori rights. The treaty was needed as the whalers partying could have
gotten out of hand and the musket wars would be even bloodier.

Thursday 14 November 2019

My Favourite Character strengths

This character trait was shown in The story of Herakles when Herakles came up with the idea to chop the heads off the hydra and then burn the stumps.
It shows us that it is important to be creative because you can come up with good ideas that could be helpful.
I think that being creative can get you a good job.

This character trait was shown in Tarzan when the two different sides would judge each other by how they would act and look. It shows us that you shouldn’t judge people by how they look because they could be a really nice person. I think that judging things can be good but it can also be bad.

This character trait was shown in the story of Herakles when he attacks the Nemean lion with no fear and no plans. This shows good perseverance and it shows you don't have to be smart to be brave.

This character trait is shown in the story of Atalanta when she goes hunting with a group of males as a competition and she is presented with the hide of there hunt by the prince. This shows you can be anyone and be proud to express it.

This character trait is shown in the wonder pets when Linny tuck and Ming Ming work together to make the world a better place and when they tried to figure out what was wrong with the animals.

This character strength was shown in the movie Zootopia when Judy never gave up hope on Nick. She was always there for him and was determined to make him believe that you can be anything you want to be. I think this shows good friendship because you should always be there for someone especially when they need a friend.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Social Studies

The Acts of Union
Uniting the kingdoms of Scotland and England had been proposed for a hundred years before it actually happened in 1707.

Suspicion and mistrust between the two countries had prevented the union throughout the 17th century. The Scots feared that they would simply become another region of England, being swallowed up as had happened to Wales some four hundred years earlier. For England the fear that the Scots may take sides with France and rekindle the ‘Auld Alliance‘ was decisive. England relied heavily on Scottish soldiers and to have them turn and join ranks with the French would have been disastrous.

In the late 1690s however, thousands of ordinary Scottish folk had been tempted to invest their hard-earned money in a plan to link the two great oceans of the world by establishing an overland trading route between the Pacific and Atlantic. Almost every Scot who had £5 in his or her pocket, invested in the Darien Scheme, to establish a Scottish colony in Panama.
Poorly planned, the venture ended early in 1700 with significant loss of life and financial ruin for the Kingdom of Scotland.
With many influential individuals and whole families left bankrupt by the disaster, a few financial incentives appear to have convinced some dithering Scottish MPs of the potential benefits of a union with England. In the words of Robert Burns, they (the Scottish MPs) were “bought and sold for English gold”

In a poorly attended Scottish Parliament, the MPs voted to agree on the Union and on 16 January 1707 the Act of Union was signed. The Act came into effect on May 1st, 1707; the Scottish Parliament and the English Parliament united to form the Parliament of Great Britain, based in the Palace of Westminster, London, the home of the English Parliament.
Scotland kept its independence with respect to its legal and religious systems, but coinage, taxation, sovereignty, trade, parliament, and flag became one. The red cross of St. George combined with the blue cross of St. Andrewresulting in the ‘old’ union flag. This is popularly called the Union Jack, although strictly speaking, this only applies when it is flown on the jackstaff of a warship.
The Union flag that we recognize today did not appear until 1801, after another Act of Union, when the ‘old’ flag combined with the red cross of St. Patrick of Ireland.

2007 marked the 300th anniversary of the Act of Union between England and Scotland. A commemorative two-pound coin was issued to mark the anniversary, which occurred 2 days before the Scottish Parliament general election on 3 May 2007.

Thursday 31 October 2019

Population of Maori and European


What does the graph show us?
The Maori and European population change in New Zealand during 1836-1901

Why do you think the numbers of Maori changed?
Because the Maori would fight with each other for the land and there we're diseases which caused numbers of death to rise. The female couldn't repopulate because of STD's.

Why do you think the numbers of Europeans changed?
More ships arrived with Europeans so they had more power which gave them more land.

Friday 27 September 2019

Wind Racers

Research: We searched up different types of Wind racers. I chose the design as I thought it would work being a pirate ship design.

Design: The Design was a square with curves

Build: Our sail was made of newsprint and taped onto a metal pole. the topsail was made of a curved paper and cardboard.

Test: We raced them with a leaf blower.

Redesign/Make changes: We changed the Bottom sail as it was stiff and didn't help.

Test: We made 10 cm more than the first try

Evaluate: The second one was better

Wednesday 25 September 2019


In Textiles we have been creating designs to decorate the final product we create. 

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Rome and Egypt

In social studies, we have been studying the Rome and Egyptian timeline. In the exhibition we created I made a poster on the Rosetta Stone. But before anyone could see anything in the exhibition, our Principal Mr. R Sutton opened the exhibition by saying a few words and cutting a ribbon. My group consisted of me, myself, and I. My favorite Fact was the whole Mummification process. But my favorite Stall was the Suppli.

This is what our class and 10Hh got up to during this process.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Ancient Egyptian Inventions

Ancient Egyptian times started in 3200 BC. 
During this time they invented multiple items. 
such as:



The police


Surgical instruments

The ancient Egyptians built pyramids
as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The
pharaohs were concealed in pyramids of many different
shapes and sizes from before the beginning of The Old 
Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. 
There are about eighty pyramids known today from 
ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian mathematics is unique mathematics
that was developed and used in Ancient Egypt
c. 3000 to c. 300 BC, from the Old Kingdom of Egypt
until roughly the beginning of Hellenistic Egypt. ... 
Evidence for Egyptian mathematics is limited to the
scarce amount of surviving sources written on
papyri. (papers P.L)

Most policemen and guards were armed with
staffs, though some would also have police dogs, 
and even types of trained monkeys (though that
was quite rare). Around the time the ancient 
Egyptian police were organized into a more coherent
force in the New Kingdom, a hierarchy was structured. 
At the head was the Chief of the Medjay, meaning
the Chief of Police, and under him were his
deputies. Then each region would have police captains. 
In the more remote areas, such as on the borders, 
the military would take care of the policing duties.

It is believed that the Egyptians were among the
first to use glass in their art and culture. As far back
as 2500 BC, amulets and solid glass beads were
made in Mesopotamia. ... Glass is produced from
a mixture of silica-sand, lime and soda.

Surgical instruments.
Ancient Egyptian engraving depicting medical 
instruments, including bone saws, suction cups, 
knives and scalpels, retractors, scales, lances, 
chisels and dental tools.

We are learning about our history and the change in
tools and technology. we have learned about the stone
age and now we have moved onto ancient Egypt. the biggest 
change I have come across is how they treated 
others and the laws they enforced and how they acted.

Tuesday 27 August 2019


Image result for stone age art work
Humans have created art for thousands of years. Some of the earliest
examples of art were made during the Stone Age. ... Early humans used
natural materials like stone, ivory and bone for small Venus figurines. 
And they made paints from natural pigments like iron oxide to create 
scenes of animals on walls deep in caves.

The Stone Age lasted from 30,000 BCE to about 3,000 BCE and is
named after the main technological tool developed at that time: stone
It ended with the advent of the Bronze Age and Iron Age . ... The art 
of the Stone Age represents the first accomplishments in human 
creativity, preceding the invention of writing.

This is an example of stone-age artwork we have 
done in our class.

This is not my Artwork. Mine was a story that 
was told like this:
Man Hunts food in the day. He catches wild animals
with a bow and arrow, during nighttime
man and woman gather around fire and dance. 

For my story I used my hands and a stick.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Social studies

Social studies we have been looking at the history of cell phones. We have learnt how technology has changed with time.  Here is my example

Friday 16 August 2019

Art- Using Textures

We are learning to use textures in Art. This blog is not finished my teacher made me post this lol. 😂😂

Tuesday 6 August 2019

English "Essay"

--Hook - Rhetorical question / Anecdote
--State your opinion.
--Argument outline (The points you are going to talk about)
Body Paragraphs (1, 2, 3)
-State your point.
-Explain yourself
-Provide evidence (Perhaps some facts)
-If relevant: Add a link and your own comments.
-Summarize your main points.
-Conclude firmly, using key words from the original statement.
- End with something that leaves the audience thinking. Or, tell them to act. Imperative statements are useful for this.

This is all I have done as I did not want to use other persons work as it is not my own words and it shows I haven't done any learning