
Friday 31 May 2019

Acid rain


What is acid rain?
Rainfall made so acidic by atmospheric pollution that it causes environmental harm, particularly to forests and lakes. The main cause is the industrial burning of coal and other fossil fuels, the waste gases from which contain sulphur and nitrogen oxides which combine with atmospheric water to form acids.

What are the causes of acid rain?
Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the air, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.

What are the effects of acid rain?
The environmental effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in marine environments, such as streams, lakes, and swamps where it can be toxic for fish and other wildlife. As it flows through the soil, acidic rainwater can filter aluminium from soil clay particles and then flow into streams and lakes.

So What?
The air pollution that causes acid rain is more damaging to human health. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, the major sources of acid raincan irritate or even damage our lungs. The pollutants that cause acid rain can also reduce visibility, limiting how far into the distance we can see.

What could be done?
Because nitrogen oxides are created in the process of burning coal and other fossil fuels, some power plants are changing the way they burn coal. A great way to reduce acid rain is to produce energy without using fossil fuels. Instead, people can use renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

Art Time

Does your design reflect your thumbnail sketches so far? Starting to look like it. The title is the only thing that looks like the thumbnail sketch so far.
Does your design reflect the feeling of your topic? It doesn't yet because we have not completed our work
Do you know where your leading lines are? As we have not finished yet we do not know.
Do you know what your focal point is? As we have not finished yet we do not know.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

The life of Tragedy Johnson

It was just another polluted day in Britain and I woke at 5:00 am knowing, Today is the day. I am a Royal 4th in line. But that's not my style but since it is what it is then I shall do as I am told. As if I don't my father will beat me. I have disobeyed him multiple time before and all the while he still found out about me moving away so yesterday night he beat the living daylights out of me I'm pretty sure Canada could hear me scream. So I got out of bed packed my suitcase and got my money for the boat.

I was promised a beautiful land with a better lifestyle than my own it is for a faraway land. “New Zealand” though I didn't mean to I said it out loud. I have to bring my worst outfit for when we get there but my best for on the ship. As I am headed out the door a guard stopped me “ Mornin’ miss where ya’ headed” I simply reply “ A friends for the night, Goodbye” and I headed on my way.

I got to the boat and I saw tones of poor people trying to get away from here. Can't say I blame them though, its crowded, polluted and children get killed at work as chimney sweepers. So I get my ticket for Cabin as it was £15 and I was lucky to get a nice room on the ship ~this ship was the Randolph~ On board I met a lovely girl my age. ~I am thirteen, by the way, ~ We talked for a while she said her name was Mary and I replied with my name is Tragedy. We talked for even longer and I found out she was staying in steerage and it was crowded. I felt bad so I let her stay in my cabin with me.

We were about halfway in the middle of the sea when a storm hits but it didn't affect us in the cabin as we had fresh meat and fresh water. And having Mary here made me feel better about home. I was feeling homesick and she comforted me with stories her mother told her. It was warm knowing that my life was at another beginning with a new friend. The way it was Mary and I got really close. We spent a lot of time on the top deck just overlooking the ocean and watching whales and dolphins swim by us watching plays and concerts. Even the meals were nicer with her.

As we saw land I asked one crew member what day it was. He replied with “15 of December miss 1850 one more day and we will arrive”. So I went back to my cabin with mary who had a cold. So I put mary to bed and walked out of the room and went to eat some food. As I went to bed that same night I was startled to see someone walk out of my room in black then he just vanished. So I thought I was tired and hallucinating. I went to bed on the floor that night.

The next day I awoke by the horn of the ship blaring in my ears. As I looked to check on Mary she was pale and her chest was not moving so I checked her pulse and I couldn't find one. I sat on the bed and cradled her head crying for two hours until the ship was clearing out and someone came to get me. This male looked two years older than me and he was pretty handsome. I asked his name while still shaking and in tears. He replied calmly “Dexter Miss” then he asked who the girl I was cradiling was. When I answered he broke down in tears and answered: “Mary is my sister I got her a ticket hoping she would make it to New Zealand.”

As I walked off the ship still crying, Dexter walked up to me hugged me then walked me to the other boats which had other British people on the ships the had names imprinted in to the starboard, “Charlotte Jane and James Edward Fitzgerald” he had said his father and mother were on the Charlotte Jane ship.

After about 2 months after living here I'm sad to say I can't live on my own so I am going to jump off the cliff into the Lyttelton harbour I know people say it is beautiful and it is but when Mary died my life went downhill fast so I am saying goodbye and going to live with mary forever in heaven. So goodbye Beautiful New Zealand and Polluted Britain. FOREVER.